Non-Invasive Penile Enhancement
On an evolutionary level, sexual prowess defines a man by his ability to procreate and continue generations of humankind. For many men though, masculinity and sexual prowess are directly tied to penile size. According to large-scale research data approximately 45% of men desire a larger penis. Others wish to make alterations to the appearance of their penis. Concerns about penile size can affect men’s sexual satisfaction and function and studies have revealed that penile girth, or circumference, is the most desirable factor in intimacy.
Traditionally, the only way to increase penile size was through invasive surgery and use of penile implants. Now we have a much safer, simpler and non-invasive way to boost confidence and improve satisfaction. Penile Enhancement is an in-office prcedure which utilizes Hyaluronic Acid Fillers to increase girth and width of the penis.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers have been used in the face and lips for over 20 years. Naturally occurring in the skin, HA’s are readliy accepted when injected into the body. As when using HA’s to improve lip and cheek size and shape, so too can they be used to augment the shape and size of the penis.
Used in cosmetic medicine for over two decades, Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers have enjoyed an excellent safety profile. A factor which makes these fillers so safe is that they can be easily dissolved with the enzyme hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase can also be employed to tweak or modify imperfections of treatment results.
Average Penile Size
Many men seeking penile enhancement may have a distorted view of the size of their penis and what an average size may be. Size and shape vary but studies have revealed:
Average Circumference
Flaccid ~ 3.5 – 3.9 inches Erect ~ 4.7 inches
Average Length
Flaccid ~ 2.8 – 3.9 inches Erect ~ 4.7 – 6.3 inches
Best Candidate
- Circumcised penis (An uncircumcised penis is more prone to injection imperfections)
- Wish to increase girth and width (not length)
- Below average penile size
- Lack of confidence about penile size
- Realistic expectations about results
- Premature ejaculation (≤ 30% of men suffer with this) may be decreased with injection of the glans penis.
Conditions Precluding Penile Enhancement
- Unrealistic Expectations
- Autoimmune Disease
- Uncontrolled Diabetes/Metabolic Disorders
- Severe Infections or STD
- Vascular or Lymphatic Complications
- History of Permanent Injectable Implant (Silicone Oil)
- Peyronies Disease (active)
- Sensitivity to hyaluronic acid fillers
- Psychological Disorders
- Phimosis
- Bending / Curving of the penis (Enhancement will not resolve this)
Any of the dense HA’s can be used for penile enhancement (Voluma, Restylane Lyft or RHA 4).
A few days prior to the treatment, all hair around the penis should be trimmed or shaved. Blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, high dose of Vit E and excess garlic) should be avoided for 4 – 5 days prior to treatment.
On procedure day, the genitals should be thoroughly cleansed. A numbing cream will be applied to the areas of injection. In addition to this, the HA filler itself includes lidocaine for further anesthesia. The anesthetized skin will be pierced with a tiny needle and the filler will be placed by means of a very thin cannula. As the cannula tip is blunt, nerves and blood vessels are spared making this procedure quite safe. The filler is injected just below the skin and above the superficial fascial tissue. Two to four injection sites are customary for injection of the penile shaft. If the glans is injected, several more are required. Time of treatment is between 45 – 60 minutes. Treatment is well tolerated and discomfort minimal. Following treatment, a stretchy bandage is positioned firmly and left in place for 12 hours. This helps decrease swelling. Although immediate enhancement will be visible, final results are appreciated in 1 – 2 weeks. Patients can resume daily activities however any type of sexual manipulation is to be avoided for 3 – 4 weeks. This helps ensure the filler is not displaced from its intended location.
Treatments are initiated using 5 syringes of filler (this equates to one teaspoon). More than one treatment is usually required, and these are spaced 4 – 6 weeks apart. Total quantities of 15 – 20 syringes of filler are the norm for full treatment. The total amount of filler needed will of course depend on how much enhancement is realistically desired. Normally, 10 syringes of filler can produce a circumferential increase of 10% – 20% to an average-sized shaft. With full treatment, many experience a size increase of 20% – 35%. The lessening of ‘shrinkage’ (the tendency of the flaccid penis to shorten after swimming, with cold exposure or with embarrassment) is another benefit of penile enhancement.
Possible Side Effects
- Pain
- Bruising
- Swelling (to be expected)
- Lumps/Bumps
- Skin Irregularities
- Inflammation
- Uneven Distribution of the filler
Longevity of Results
Eventually the injected HA is absorbed by the body and the enhancement will gradually decrease. Treatment results are usually maintained for up to 18 months. Of course re-treatment can be rendered. Some advocate for re-treatment before complete loss of correction as this can induce fibrosis and formation of new collagen which sustains gains.
Results of penile enhancement are natural-looking and natural-feeling in both erect and flaccid states. The changes provide a serious boost in self-confidence and an enhanced sense of masculinity which can be appreciated by many men – in the locker room and in the bedroom.